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Writer's pictureGabrielle - BrodiMapi LLC

Heritage Map Blog - Food from Iran

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

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Welcome and Salam/ خوش آمدی to our first ever heritage mapping blog post about Persian food in Iran!

I decided to begin this blogging series with food from Iran for two reasons:

1.) My mum and dad recently bought me Yasmin Khan's amazing cookbooks "The Saffron Tales" and "Zaitoun" after seeing a PBS special about her and the delicious food from her homeland. Yasmin is totally captivating in how she recounts her family's heritage through food in her TV specials, YouTube videos and in her cookbooks. Her passion for Persian food, her country, her family, her heritage and sharing its beauty and deliciousness with the world inspired me to create a mapping blog every month ( or so) beginning with her vivid culinary tales of Iran.

2.) My best friend in the world, Leila, is Persian. We met in college in San Diego where she not only showed me the loving, warm hospitality and friendship of the Persian people and culture, but also taught me a few words and phrases in Farsi and she and her mum cooked me food and took me to Persian restaurants where I fell in love with Persian cuisine.

Later, when living in Australia, I found myself befriending more Persian people with equal warmth, love and hospitality as that of my Leila-Joon in the USA. I was instantly welcomed and was introduced to more amazing Persian dishes by Essie, Layla, Reza, Parastou and many others in their homes, backyards and even when camping in the Australian wilderness.

Persians know how to eat and how to eat well and it seems ingrained in their very culture, language and personas to not only eat well, but to share big. I dedicate this blog post to my Persian friends, well framily really, and to their undying friendships, enthusiasm to try new things, warmth of spirit, passion for food, and love for sharing.

Please explore the GoogleEarth map below to view where many of this dishes originated from within Iran and where they have become more popular throughout time and throughout the country.

The points on the map below provide a general, regional location rather than a specific point, town, city, or locale at that point unless stated otherwise.

This map features Persian food in Iran based on the cookbook, "The Saffron Tales" by Yasmin Khan.

Food Points sharing the same point as "Iran" are those foods which originated or are found all over Iran according to Yasmin's book.

Food Points sharing the points of specific regions, cities and other points of interest are where that food originated from and/or is a staple food of that area.

While we would love to map the recipes and photos along with the points to make it more interactive, we do not wish to infringe on Yasmin's copyright.

Some other photos and recipes in this map are my own, or those of my Persian framily, and are credited as such where appropriate.

If you would like to contribute coordinates, photos and/or recipes to this map and blog, please contact me at and I will gladly add them to the map and credit you, pending our review and approval of your contributions.

The map is organized by regions/towns/cities starting with Iran as a nation and working down to regions and cities. The points are ordered by nation/region/city and the food therein. The food items are color coordinated from breakfast through to dessert with :

breakfast as pink,

snacks/appetizers as green,

salads as teal,

soups as yellow,

mains as blue,

drinks as purple

and finally desserts as orange.

Click on the "Present" button in the GoogleEarth map below. Then click on the arrows in the bottom left-hand corner next to the Table of Contents to move through the points one by one. Or, feel free to explore the points in the map's legend when out of "presentation" mode. Enjoy our journey through Yasmin Khan's cookbook "The Saffron Tales"!

Thanks for mapping with us!

If you would like to map and digitally conserve/archive your heritage stories, food, culture, language, nature, animals, plants etc., please visit to check out our services, get a free quote on a project, or to contact us for more info.

Thank you for reading, thank you for mapping and merci/متشکرم for sharing in the passion for Persian food, people, heritage and culture with us. Please try some of these recipes and share them with everyone, and especially, with those you love!


Below photo by: Gabrielle McGinnis - Persian Love Cake - Recipe from Yasmin Khan's "The Saffron Tales".

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