BrodiMapi LLC Services
Check out our digital mapping services below which include tourism, multimedia and linguistic services, and be sure to either book online or over the phone.
If you would like a price quote, please submit your request for a quote at the bottom of this page and try to provide as much detail, or as many questions about the service, as possible so we can get as accurate a quote possible for you!
Worried that you won't be able to pass on family history? We can help
6 hr
150 US dollarsNeed a website? or need to redesign/develop an old one? Ask Gabi
6 hr
150 US dollarsDocument your local plants and animals on one convenient website
1 hr
$150/webpage of bookNeed someone to market and/or manage your site for you? We can help!
6 hr
starting at $150Now its up to you- Learn to record, map, market and manage like a pro.
1 hr
100 US dollarsNeed help on sustainable tourism? or media services? Talk to Gabi
1 hr
$100/hourNeed help developing a sustainable conservation project? Ask Gabi
1 hr
Pricing disclosure:
In terms of review of your product before the final sale, the first round of amendments is free and any additional rounds of major amendments will cost extra, unless they are minor, editorial changes i.e. spelling, grammar, font size, pic size, etc. or adding one or two pictures. Any drastic changes to the layout/ design etc. on the second round of amendments is will cost extra. You can find out more by viewing our T&C.
Not sure which service you would like? Contact us below and we will provide you with more information as well as a free quote.